Thursday, November 26, 2009

P365 Day 139: Feast after feast

Thanksgiving spread for Dad's side of the family:

Thanksgiving spread for Mom's side of the family (plus Dad):

I didn't even get a picture of the feast Paul's parents prepared for us. We've been well-fed during our trip to Memphis.

I thought I was going to spend Black Friday morning at Old Navy for the Lego Rock Band promotion, but Paul balked at my adventurous spirit. He didn't even give in when I cried. Instead, he just went to Wal-Mart and bought Lego Rock Band, which defeated the point of going out on Black Friday in the first place. So instead, we're going back to Charleston tomorrow morning.

Ah, gotta go. The family's making s'mores (over an open fire, no less) and I should probably head that way.

Again, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Warm fuzzies.


Blogger FF said...

What?! I was going to offer to join you at 3 AM or whatever time Old Navy opened.

Paul is such a party pooper!

I am sad that I didn't get to see y'all!

Be safe driving back.

10:33 PM  

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