Thursday, November 12, 2009

Crazy Little Thing Called Kate

I have of late become a huge Queen fan and for reasons I can't yet divulge, I have to re-create this Freddie Mercury screencap — and it's not even Halloween anymore:

It'll have to wait till after Thanksgiving so I can dye my hair darker. I'll wear a white wifebeater with my red ascot.

Main obstacle: creating an even semi-convincing mustache. Suggestions?

P.S. If you want the full video (it's a live version of "We Are the Champions"):


Anonymous Paul said...

Yeah - don't look to me for a mustache >_<

1:18 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

This is gonna be very interesting...can't WAIT to hear the the story behind why you're doing this!

11:06 PM  

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