Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Lists and lists (jumping on the bandwagon)

Following in the footsteps of (edit: Grr had it first), Smacky and De:

Websites I check daily
Google Reader (~100 feeds, mostly blogs, news and humor)
My Life is Average
My Life is G
... did I mention Twitter?

Magazines to which I subscribe
Game Informer
Chemical & Engineering News

Things I can't live without
The traditional list as seen here:
My husband
Red pens
To which I must now add:
Fred and Joe
My camera (P365!)

Places I have lived
Various parts of Memphis, Tenn.
Charleston, S.C.

... and a bonus ...

What I want for Christmas
Anything on my Metawishlist
A Memphis Tigers Snuggie


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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