Tuesday, December 01, 2009

P365 Day 144: And the environment chokes

Guess who forgot her reusable shopping bags when she went to the store tonight? This girl. Oops.

I did, however, find my jump drive lodged into a groove in my car's console. So I can quit worrying that somebody got their grubby hands on my spreadsheets and edits.


Blogger Johanna said...

Oh, sweet God. Please tell me this is your cat.

(I know it's not...but it's so PRECIOUS I nearly had a heart attack. I want to see it in person.)

11:38 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Not one of my girls (and I'm not allowed any new additions to the family). But my gosh, it is the cutest thing ever. I found it here: http://cuteoverload.com.

12:17 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

So, what was the gift you opened on December 1?????

8:18 AM  

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