Wednesday, December 02, 2009

P365 Day 145: What was in the box!

Oh! I completely forgot to post what was in the box! (Thanks for reminding me, Smacky.) Paul and I waited until 12:02 a.m. to open the gift — the suspense was killing us! And, as predicted, it was not a puppy.

Our first Christmas present of the year had a crocheted beach bag, a Yankee Candle Christmas sampler and snuffer, a set of Santa towels, a very generous Chili's gift card, and a fireman bell ornament. (My uncle just retired as fire chief in the city where they live.) Fortunately I was able to thank them right before they left on a two-week cruise. Retirement must be nice.

OK, time to log off and batten down the hatches. There's a tornado watch and a huge storm coming through Chas. — big enough where county offices closed early and colleges canceled classes. And things around here flood really easily (here's a pic someone Tweeted this morning), so we're not going anywhere anytime soon.


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