Friday, December 04, 2009

P365 Day 147: Tastes ... Italian

New Super Mario Bros. Wii is as good as it tastes. Paul and I had a great time jumping around and trying to (not?) knock each other off ledges and such. Now our Christmas gifts to each other are out of the way (me: the Harry Potter set, him: SMBWii). Paul's department is having a pre-exams party for the chem majors Tuesday, and we're taking the Xbox and Wii with us. I'll make sure to wipe the spit off the case before then.

I called my doctor's office today to work out my prescription mess, which I mentioned yesterday. Turns out my doctor is just off for the week, not forever. No idea why the pharmacist was so cryptic when she left me a voice mail. Anyway, his staff said he'd write my scrips for me Monday afternoon. Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?


Anonymous Paul said...

mmmm Stapholococus and pthalates. TASTY.

3:06 PM  

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