Saturday, December 05, 2009

P365 Day 148: Living out of my suitcase

Joe's eyes are usually shooting daggers anyway, but none more so than when she thinks we're leaving her out of something fun — toys, treats, whatever. Here, she's made herself at home in my suitcase. Never mind that she hates traveling. Had trouble getting her out of there, too. She dug her little claws in and wouldn't let go. No worries, though; I'm used to everything being covered in black, white and/or orange fuzz.

Tigers are playing tonight. It's not being televised, so I'm doing my best to follow the game on Twitter. I'm F5-ing like nobody's business.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I've seen that kitty glare somewhere before...oh yeah, on Rascal's face...

10:57 PM  

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