Sunday, December 06, 2009

P365 Day 149: Breakfast for dinner!

Paul made Belgian waffles for dinner. They kind of fell apart — I hope the waffle maker isn't breaking ... I love that thing! — but they tasted fantastic anyway. Oh, that green thing in the back is the waffle-taker-outer, but it started as a spoon thingy from Rice to Riches.

In other news, I found this report on ArsTechnica hilarious (and a little sad):
The failure to identify a control group should probably tell us something: This is little more than a press release on some research in progress. Still, even before the results are in, the process of setting up the experiment turned out to be rather informative. The study, you see, is on porn consumption, and it looks like the researchers will be stuck working without anybody to act as a negative control. "We started our research seeking men in their twenties who had never consumed pornography," said Simon Louis Lajeunesse. "We couldn't find any."
Also: Greatest luggage ever.


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