Monday, December 07, 2009

P365 Day 150: She'd give a thumbs-up if she had thumbs

Fred says, "Yay! Day 150!"

I've tried to limit the number of cat pictures this week. If I failed, it's because I hit a little patch of depression and haven't left the house for a week. (I go back to the doc Jan. 7 and hopefully will sort it all out then.) Tomorrow, I'm rolling a week's worth of going out into one day: the grocery store, the bank, and a party for the students in Paul's department.

It made national news, so I'm sure most of you heard that the Arlington, Tenn., mayor made a stupid Facebook update last week saying that President Obama is a Muslim who purposely timed his speech to cancel out the Peanuts Christmas special. The town is distancing itself from him now and he's made a statement in return. (See here.) Arlington is not a bad place, so it's sad that its mayor is making the whole town look bad. I've just got to shake my head at some things. I thought I'd left the land of bad politicians when I moved out of Memphis and to South Carolina, but then the whole Governor Sanford thing came out. Guess there's no place where politicians just "get it."


Blogger FF said...

The Arlington mayor meant it as a joke. Unfortunately, when you put things in writing, they are easily mis-interpreted.

Oh well. He realized his mistake and has now apologized. Hopefully "The evil that men do live after them, and the good is oft' interred within their bones" won't hold true in this case. Russell is a great guy.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

Seriously FF, a joke?
If that's a joke - then obama is actually a muslim, born in kenya and is out to socialize healthcare along with the already socialized risks of the financial industry.

If you are going to defend something, at least make it worthwhile.

11:36 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Apparently he needs a lesson on adding the "winky face" to things meant in jest. Perhaps the town needs to hire a 13-year-old girl to be their media affairs expert. WINKY FACE ;-)

That said, "Obama is a Muslim" is so tired that there is simply very little humor you can squeeze out of it, outside of "tea parties."

8:16 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

" obama people need to move to a muslim country...oh wait, that's America....pitiful."


What a card that man is.

8:20 AM  

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