Wednesday, December 09, 2009

P365 Day 152: Winter? What winter?

Want a bottle of water? Got to get past the bouncer first.

I hear it's in the mid-30s in Memphis right now. It's 68 here in Chas. at 11 p.m. I actually had to turn the air conditioning on last night and most of today. (I turned it off before Paul got home so he wouldn't complain about the electrical bill — shh, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.)

I'm not complaining about the temperate weather (though I do love cold weather!); I'm only complaining about whatever is blooming outside. I've taken Claritin and Benadryl and I'm still a sniffling, sneezing, coughing, I-could-do-an-ad-for-Nyquil mess. Paul's not faring much better.

Also, I haven't had a chance to get much use out of the beautiful scarf Grr sent me earlier this year. So, yeah, there's two reasons to bring on the cold.

What say you, Mother Nature?


Anonymous Paul said...

You aren't going to catch me complaining about the electric bill says the guy who likes to keep it at 66-68 in the summer, all summer long.

It just so happens that it works great in the winter, because 66-68 means "lower" electric bills.

Bring on the A/C! It's warm in here.

11:47 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Precious Baby!! I love The Joe Kitty almost as much as I love my own sweetheart, BK.

(BTW, my darling cat likes to sit in the water bottle thing, too. She always gets in there once we've drank about half the waters. PRECIOUS!)

2:28 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Aw, and I wear those earrings all the time :( I'll have to learn to make socks.

11:03 PM  

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