Sunday, December 13, 2009

P365 Day 156: Button-mashing and TV-watching

Yay! A picture of my TV screen! But it's not just any picture; no, it's a picture that symbolizes all the reasons I suck at New Super Mario Bros. Wii — namely, that Paul (Luigi) has the wherewithal to run around while I (Mario) stand stupidly at the start of the level taking pictures of my TV screen.

In all seriousness, the game is a lot of fun — especially in multiplayer mode — but as with most video games (Rock Band excluded), I feel like I drag Paul down by jumping at the wrong times and running into random baddies. Damn him and his awesome hand-eye coordination!

Oh! That reminds me of this video, which I've been meaning to post for days. It's called "Ode to Minions":

In other news, today I started following blogger Daniel Fienberg, who is counting down the top 31 TV shows of the past decade. (Today — No. 19 — was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and you can see a list of Nos. 20-31 at the bottom of today's post.) What got me interested in following it, though, was reading his list of parameters for the ranking. In it, he says:
If you know me, you already know what my No. 1 is going to be. It's the same No. 1 that most of my most trusted colleagues will also have chosen. There's a reason for that. That show is the best show of this decade or, very possibly, any decade.
So, from what I gather, a lot of critics have been blown away by one TV show. To you more TV-minded folks out there, what is it? Paul and I theorized it might be Lost. Are we on/off the mark?


Blogger Kate said...

Wait, wait, no -- I rescind!! It's The Cleveland Show, isn't it?!

9:21 PM  

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