Saturday, December 19, 2009

P365 Day 162: Tiny tacos!

Paul and I used part of our Christmas Chili's gift card to get mini tacos (!!!) tonight. They're new on the menu, and they're really good. OK, well, the crispy shrimp tacos and the smoked chicken tacos are good. I don't know about the other ones.

We also knocked out some shopping tonight: I bought Paul the Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii, we ordered a three-foot cat tree for our girls (like they need any help sharpening their claws), I used some Ulta coupons to buy girly things, and I bought one of two watch batteries I need. Paul says he's figured out what he's buying me for Christmas but he has to order it. I've tried, like, six different ways of tricking him into telling me what it is, but he hasn't fallen for anything yet.

As long as somebody — anybody — buys me this, I'll be happy. (I've dropped the hint to everyone in my family. Someone is bound to bite.)


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

LOVE the mini tacos too. :)

9:04 PM  

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