Tuesday, December 22, 2009

P365 Day 165: A little birdy told me ...

I'm running a little late with the jewelry-making this holiday season. I thought I had an extra week because Paul's going to Memphis Jan. 2 and I'd planned on him taking my gifts with him. But I found out last night that Mom and Dad are driving to Chas. on Dec. 26 to visit us, which means I've got to fight my depression and lethargy long enough to finish some pieces before then. (Ack!)

I'm driving two hours to Florence, S.C., tomorrow to pick up supplies at Hobby Lobby. (Oh, I miss the days of living five minutes from a Hobby Lobby in Memphis!) I don't even have all my gifts planned out yet, so I'm hoping inspiration strikes sooner rather than later.

This is the start of the necklace I'm making my mom-in-law. It's a silver mother-of-pearl bird that will be on a sterling silver chain with blue glass "clouds" spaced on the sides. I've had the bird focal for a long time, but didn't know what to do with it. When I suggested it to Paul as a gift for his mother, he thought it was perfect. Now that I have an idea in my head, it shouldn't take too long once I measure the chain and attach everything. (Fingers crossed.)


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I suppose it is totally unhelpful that I have a Hobby Lobby no more than 5 to 10 minutes away from me in either direction...

10:14 PM  

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