Friday, December 25, 2009

P365 Day 168: It's Christmas!

Paul and I had a pretty low-key Christmas. No gifts (we exchanged them already, except for a couple of packages he's waiting on from Amazon), no tree, no lights, no fancy dinner. No wreath, no holiday music. No fuss. This is the antithesis of the Christmas celebrations I experienced growing up.

We had dino nuggets and Totino's Pizza Rolls for lunch (livened up by a Yankee Candle Christmas Eve votive — "traditional holiday scents of a warm hearth, sugared plums, and candied fruits"[!!!]), and the remainder of the Pizza Rolls and ramen soup for dinner. I didn't feel much like going to the beach, and he didn't suggest it.

But, hey, it could be a whole lot worse, you know? Plenty of people don't have what I do: a loving husband, a Fred-Kitty and a Joe-Kitty — on Christmas Day and every other day of the year.

Hope you and yours have a merry day, however you choose to celebrate. ... And, if I may suggest, go with your gut and skip that second meal of Pizza Rolls. You're going to regret it later. I know.


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