Saturday, December 26, 2009

P365 Day 169: In which I gain emo street cred

I got the second of Paul's three gifts to me today: an 8GB SDHC card! That means two things: One, my cats will be subjected to twice as many — more than 3,000 — photos than before, and, two, the Wii will become home to my old 4GB SDHC card. I already spend too much money on XBox 360 add-ons (those $1.99 Rock Band DLCs sure add up!), and now there's a legit reason to spend money on Wiiware. Ack.

I need to take a picture of the first of the three gifts Paul gave me, 'cept it's a necklace and I don't want to take a pic when I look like crap. And boy, do I ever look like crap. I barely got out of bed today. Paul cooked me dinner and I held Joe-Kitty until she climbed on my face (literally), scrambling for the top of my head and leaving huge scratches down my cheeks.

But, hey, those scratches are emo street cred — and I get brownie points because of my glasses — so all I need is some black hair dye and a whole mess of eyeliner and I'll be ready for my first Fall Out Boy concert. No, wait. They broke up. (Ashlee Simpson is the Yoko Ono of Fall Out Boy.) Hmm ... well, I'll be ready for my first My Chemical Romance concert. Have they broken up yet? And since we're on the subject of emo kids ...

... I feel like tacos.


Anonymous Paul said...

*Cues* 2001 space odyssey

10:21 PM  

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