P365 Day 172: Spelling and singing
Woke up this morning to a knock on the door and another sticky note from the UPS man (we didn't answer the door fast enough). And I had two (!) packages waiting for me: One in my mailbox and another in the leasing office.
First up is my awesome Christmas present from Johanna: a necklace made of Scrabble letter tiles with beautiful graphics on the other side. (I flipped one over just to prove they're Scrabble tiles.) It took forever to break into her package. The necklace was in bubble wrap in a jewelry box that was so covered in Scotch tape that I didn't even know where to begin. And all that was in a mailing envelope! But the anticipation was totally worth it. I love it.
Oh, the tiles are F, L and V, so I can't spell anything except lvf — which should be a word if it isn't already.
The second gift was part two of three of Paul's Christmas gifts to me. It's the Ben Folds Rockin' the Suburbs sheet music songbook. Oh, that I had my piano here with me! But I have my keyboard, and I'll get to use the real piano when we go to Memphis next week. I can't believe it's been nearly a year since we saw Ben Folds in concert. Amazing experience. RTS is my favorite solo album, so I'm going to love playing the songs.
Oh! As a bonus, Drew messaged me about the custom song he ordered from Dubious Ranger last month. It's awesome. You can stream it from his website or download it here. (Just don't stream it too much because it's eating up my bandwidth.) :D
ahem... its part three of FOUR!
But, i forgot what the second part was. >_<
And I don't know when part four will arrive.
D'oh! It is the third gift. Part one was the necklace (of which I didn't post a picture) and part two was the flash drive.
Wow. It's like the 12 days of Christmas, but spread out more. Like ... a month of Christmas. Except now I don't have to listen to holiday tunes when I go shopping.
why, you object to canned Christmas muzak?
I worked enough holiday-season jobs during college to know the first time shoppers hear "The Little Drummer Boy" is actually the 32nd time the workers have heard it.
By the way, this is completely irreverent, but there's a pretty funny parody of "The Christmas Shoes" called "The Christmas Flip-Flop."
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