Good run, Tigers. You still had a great season, and I'm proud.
[Pulled this from L's site. Apparently, it's been floating around Facebook. Pretty fun if you've got, you know, three minutes to pop open Photoshop and pretend to be doing something productive. -ks]
I moved to Charleston 7 1/2 months ago. Sometimes I still feel like a stranger in a strange land. I only recently learned which road people call the "Crosstown Express" (that's not on any map!), and I can still only get about four places without my GPS. One of those is the grocery store across the street.
After Day 1, I'm in fourth place in my pool (13 of 16 picks). Paul's in second place (15 of 16). Both of our brackets were in some serious danger right out of the gate. Memphis was playing way below their level, and the one-point UCLA win over VCU was heart-stopping. We both have Memphis slated to win the championship, so that would be a huge blow. I have UCLA losing in the Sweet 16; Paul has them losing in the Final Four.
For the record, here's my 2009 NCAA bracket. I'm so going to win the pool this year.
Confession: I've never seen the Star Wars movies ... any of them. No, that's not entirely true; I have seen one of the ones with Jar-Jar Binks, which I'm told doesn't count. If you don't know me, you probably think I live under a rock. (Debatable.)
It's Selection Sunday! Yay! I planned my entire day around it (meaning I reneged on original plans to do the RB2 Endless Setlist on Expert).
Had a flat tire when I went out to the Vue last night. It's karma for playing my music too loud during Kate's First Warm Day Ritual.
Maybe this isn't the best picture because you can't see the darker red on the back half of my head. It's one of the things I said I'd do after I moved out of Memphis and didn't have to see people I know on a daily basis.
Today was a beautiful day: sunny and 79, which made it the perfect time for Kate's First Warm Day Ritual. On the first warm day of the year, I roll down the windows and crank up some Rob Zombie at a level that makes my car vibrate and annoys other drivers.
I had my quarterly head check yesterday -- my second run-in with my new psych.
Depakote's Typical Side Effects: The usual for anticonvulsants plus a special set for valproates: instant old age. You'll get fat, bald, tired, confused, uninterested in sex, unable to hold your liquor and everything will give you heartburn and/or the runs.Are you serious?
Hey, just want to tell my friends who might not keep up with Smacky to send happy thoughts and prayers to his family. His wife and mother have had some serious health issues this week, and he's been juggling to take care of the two of them. (I won't rehash the details; they're on his blog.) Stress-inducing, fo sho. So if you've got a second right now, say a little prayer for his family.
[Via Facebook, thanks to Smacky.]
Click here for more info on Kate.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot
P365 Day 219: Snuggled up on V-Day
Assume the position
P365 Day 218: It's snowing. Who made a deal with t...
P365 Day 217: Ring, phone, ring!
'Aural' is right with the world
P365 Day 216: I am a fan of City Name Sports Team
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Bucket list: Bonnaroo
P365 Day 214: Bite my head off, why don't ya
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