I've made it my mission to read My Life is Average, starting at page 1 and going through 700-whatever (then going back to the beginning to catch up). I find MLIA elicits more of that small-grin-happy-heart-precious-shoulder-shrug than either My Life is G or F My Life.
Today, I was playing a game with my two-year-old brother, in which I would make an animal sound, and he would respond with the corresponding animal. After he correctly answered "cow" to my "moo", I said, in a deep, manly voice, "I love the ladies". He said "Mommy". I have never been more curious as to what my mother says when I'm not around. MLIAFunny. Still coughing.
I've added and subtracted a few things from my site index on the left. Changed the quote and all that. I know I'm missing a couple of links; I should get that taken care of shortly.
Click here for more info on Kate.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot
P365 Day 219: Snuggled up on V-Day
Assume the position
P365 Day 218: It's snowing. Who made a deal with t...
P365 Day 217: Ring, phone, ring!
'Aural' is right with the world
P365 Day 216: I am a fan of City Name Sports Team
P365 Day 215: Not home alone anymore!
Bucket list: Bonnaroo
P365 Day 214: Bite my head off, why don't ya
P365 Day 213: Nice weather we're having (how about...