Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Agreed: That bathroom Monet is ugly. Let's fix it.

Yesterday, I posted a picture of the bathroom in Jax that forbids its potty patrons from tossing TP in the toilet. The original picture:

Step one: We've agreed the Monet is ugly. Step two: How much effort (or cash) do you think it would take to convince @Stargazergirl to replace — or at least cover up — that Monet with this ultra pro-TP painting by Alexandra Knight?

Bonus points for staging the bathroom to look like this painting.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

That is hilarious :) They should have just used the second picture originally, but just added a big red circle with a line going through it. "No, you put your used tissue in the basket! I need to add it to my collection!"

...because, seriously, what logical reason can there be for a rule against flushing toilet paper?

3:17 AM  
Anonymous Paul said...

I want that picture in our bathroom.

10:18 AM  

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