Friday, January 01, 2010

P365 Day 175: N.B.: There's no period after Dr

So, you remember Pepsi Throwback that came out in 2008? Well, not only is Pepsi Throwback back, but it's been joined by Heritage Dr Pepper! That's right: 20 ounces of non-high-fructose-corn-syrup, real-sugary goodness. And plenty of calories to go around. In other words, enjoy it, but make it last. Paul bought us two bottles of each this morning. I drank about a third of my Dr Pepper, spilled a quarter on my keyboard, and still have (whatever fractional amount remains) left.

It might be the start of a new year, but I've got other throwback news. Hey, everything old is new again, right? First of all, "The Baby-Sitters Club" books are back in print (you go, Scholastic Books!). And second (big thanks to Smacky for the link), PopDose has released a March '96 Ben Folds Five radio show bootleg. I'm listening now. Good stuff.

Tomorrow, we leave for Memphis for a few days. We're making the holidays last and last. But, hey, it worked in our favor — we got all our gift wrap at half price during post-Christmas sales! Note to burglars: We have a house-/cat-sitter and an alarm system. And nosy neighbors. You've been warned.

I wonder if I can scout out some good luck New Year's black-eyed peas this late in the day.


Blogger FF said...

are those Dr peppers available everywhere? My local kroger does not have any.. but they are behind the times sometimes.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Word from a reliable source is that if your Pepsi bottler also bottles Dr Pepper, you'll be able to get it. I don't know the protocol if a Coke bottler handles Dr Pepper, and I don't remember which company bottles Dr Pepper in Memphis.

Paul says he bought both the Pepsi and Dr Pepper at Wal-Mart. That kind of surprises me because my experience is that Wal-Mart is notoriously behind the times when it comes to "new stuff."

7:11 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I think it used to be bottled by Coke in Memphis. Here in FL it's a Pepsi product, so I think I'll go find me some of that stuff.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Dr. Ew said...

You got Dublins?!? I'm SOOO jealous. Does not even compare to the regular.

12:32 AM  

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