Saturday, January 02, 2010

P365 Day 176: Damn kittens, get off my lawn

Fred makes a good "angry old man" face, doesn't she? Especially for a cat who is neither old nor a man. All looks aside, I think she's going to get along just fine with our new cat-sitter, Nicole. Nicole seems caring and methodical, so I'm sure we won't have anything to worry about while we're in Memphis. And Fred gets along really well with anyone bearing a brush (!!) or treats (!!!) or Fancy Feast's chicken 'n' egg souffle (!!!!!).

I made sure to show Nicole a photo of Joe to assure her there is another cat living here, though she might only see Joe high-tailing it out of the room when the front door is opened by a stranger.

Gah, first day on the road and I posted a picture of my cat. Can you tell Fred and Joe are pretty darn important to me?


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