Sunday, January 03, 2010

P365 Day 177: Christmas in Memphis (a.k.a. "The holiday season that never ends")

We're in Memphis! Merry Christmas!!

When we arrived last night, Paul and I experienced the coldest weather we've felt in the year and a half since we moved from Memphis to Charleston. Well below freezing. And we drove in wearing only t-shirts and jeans. (But we brought jackets!!)

As usual, we made off like bandits when it came to gifts. Our families are very generous. Among my gifts were a number of things from my Metawishlist (which, by the way, seems to have been shut down — boo hoo!), including the sing-along version of Mamma Mia!, a copy of Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World, the Cute Overload page-a-day calendar, and a year-long subscription to Stringing magazine.

I received more things than I can name, but some of the others include a beautiful brown sweater nearly identical to my favorite gray one, a Balderdash-esque board game called Origins, a hand-painted colander, handmade soaps and lotions, Spongebob towels (yay!), fingerless gloves (which I wore all day because they're so cool!), Kat Von D lipstick, a subscription to Popular Science and a pink beret. :D

Paul got a bunch of cool stuff as well; among them were some Tigers gear, a new pair of Tevas and a beautiful Fossil watch. He needed both the Tevas and the watch, as his current Tevas are falling apart and his Fossil broke a while ago. (Quick survey: How many of you wear a watch vs. just looking at your cell phone clock?)

While Paul went to work — remember, that's why we're in Memphis in the first place — I went to a Tigers game! We won by a landslide! And I got to see the NCAA title banners that might have to come down if Memphis loses its sanctions appeal. :(

Woo-hoo! Go Pierre!

When I came home, Mom and Dad stuffed me full of holiday food: ham, corn-stuffing balls, mini meatballs, pasta fagioli, good luck New Year's black-eyed peas ... and a bunch of Christmas cookies Mom made last night. ^_^

So now it's off for family time. I think we're going to play the new board game and maybe some Super Mario Bros. Wii. Hopefully Paul will be home from work soon and we can party like it's 1999.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I have a watch, but I never wear it. I need to get a digital one.

11:36 PM  

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