Monday, January 04, 2010

P365 Day 178: In which I completely give up on finding the jewelry supplies I need

Have I mentioned what an effort it is to do P365 while I'm at my parents' house? They don't have a wireless router, so I have to edit my photos on my netbook, then upload them to their computer with my card reader. But that's not all: Their computer is so old that I have to unplug their keyboard when I want to use my card reader because the keyboard cable blocks physical access to the USB port. It's insane. But I'm not going to miss a day, dammit.

As you can see from the photo, I got to go to Hobby Lobby today (!!!) — and I didn't have to drive two and a half hours to get there. But they were out of the things I needed. Ouch. I'm 0-4 for finding certain supplies that used to be easy to come by. I feel I waited for nothing. Looks like I'm going to be ordering a few things from Fire Mountain Gems.

But, hey, the day wasn't a loss at all! I bought a new pair of jeans and a couple of sweaters, then had a two-hour coffee/chat with Johanna. Tomorrow, she's coming over for s'mores. It'll be the first time I get to wear the Memphis Tigers Snuggie I got for Christmas!

Ooh, gotta go — I'm being called downstairs for dinner. Staying at my parents' house makes me feel like a kid again: "Just five more minutes on the computer, then I'll be down for dinner — I swear!"


Blogger smacky said...

How long do you have to stand in the hobby lobby before they let you into the hobby store?

Also acceptable joke: If that's the lobby, the actual store must be HUGE!

9:13 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I LOVE Hobby Lobby...and the TWO that are within 5 to 10 minutes driving distance from my house. No, I'm not rubbing annnnnything in. :)

6:10 PM  
Blogger De said...

I had always heard of this Hobby Lobby, but always attributed it to legend. Good to know it actually exists.

9:37 AM  

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