Monday, January 18, 2010

P365 Day 192: Dinner wars!

Dinner wars! Yesterday, Paul sent me a text message to alert me he was at Five Guys for lunch and there were "like maybe 4 free tables." Booooo. Then I found out Jacksonville has two things Chas. does not: Krystal (a sliders chain much like White Castle) and good Chinese food. There are quite a few Chinese restaurants in the Charleston 'burbs, but they are either way expensive or way crappy. That means Paul and I have to get our Kung Pao/General Tso fix elsewhere -- like Memphis. Or, in my case, Jax.

So ... because Paul had a Five Guys nommy burger for lunch, I jealously requested Carrie and I get Chinese for dinner. We ended up at Carrie's brother's favorite Chinese joint, Golden Eggroll. And with a name like that, how can you go wrong?!

Our fortune cookies were remarkably similar -- Hers: "Linger over dinner discussions this week for needed advice." Mine: "You will soon be receiving sound spoken advice. Listen." -- so after fried rice and egg rolls, we enjoyed some post-dinner discourse on politics, religion and Facebook. I'm not sure any advice was given/received. Fail.

When we left Golden Eggroll, Carrie and I went to her parents' house. It was good to see her mom and dad ... and to meet Daisy:

She's a darling cat, though she looks a little peeved here that I didn't have treats in my hand. (Fake out!)

Overall, the trip was a success: I was able to introduce Carrie to the Flea Market Montgomery commercial (it's just like a mini mall!). Yeah, she's about three years late to the game.

Today, I'm driving back to Charleston. Here's to clear roads, good music and bottles of NOS. And maybe a goodbye lunch at Krystal. Take that, Mr. I-Had-Five-Guys!


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