Thursday, January 21, 2010

P365 Day 195: Leggo my frickin' frackin' forearm!

The Eggo shortage goes on and on. Maybe more people should go out and buy a kickin' Belgian waffle-maker like Paul and I have. Kellogg's would take a hit, but you can definitely Leggo of Eggos when you've got nommier, bigger, better-than-anything-frozen waffles. Mmm. Waffles.

Also, I love this pic and caption posted with the MSNBC article:

Jackie Steele's a lovely lass, ain't she? Those red nails ... that wrist ... man, she makes me crave WAFFLES!

I went to the doctor today. Finally. Between my schedule and my doctor's schedule, we've been dancing around an appointment since, like, September. He added Wellbutrin to my pharm farm, so it's now Lamictal, Seroquel, Wellbutrin, Ambien and Klonopin. It's not so much that I need all these separately; it's more a case of giving me an upper to counteract a downer, and an anti-anxiety pill to counteract the upper, and so on. We'll see if it plays nicely with everything else.

I have a friend who has been on Wellbutrin for some time now, so I sent him a text message asking the pros/cons. My favorites from his list: super-sweats (obviously a "con"), vivid dreams and random giggles out of nowhere. The random giggles alone make me look forward to taking it.

Tomorrow: Found Footage Festival. @foundfootage's most recent Tweet: "Off to South Carolina tomorrow for a weekend of iced tea, boiled peanuts and porch rocking chairs. Also, the Charleston Comedy Festival." Sounds like they know more about South Carolina than Paul and I did when we moved here. Can't wait to see what's in store.


Anonymous Paul said...

waleenquish that waffle!

10:27 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

We have plenty of Eggo's in my local Walmart. Mmmmmm, waffles.

12:09 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I make pancakes with Bisquick. Soft, golden, fatty pieces of heaven that beat the heck out of Eggos.

Have fun at Found Footage! I really hope you have fun since I convinced you to go!!!

12:30 PM  

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