Friday, January 22, 2010

P365 Day 196: One man's trash is another man's awesome VHS footage

Paul and I went to Found Footage Festival at the American Theater tonight as part of the Charleston Comedy Festival — the first time FFF has been in Chas. We had a wonderful time. As we were leaving, I said to Paul, "Why did you enjoy this? You hate Everything is Terrible!" He replied, "Yeah, Everything is Terrible is, well, terrible. This was actually really funny."

I had trouble getting any good pics inside because I wasn't using my flash and lack a steady hand. But here's a pic of Nick and Joe on stage:

The only thing I would have liked to have seen is more Princess Kitty!!! (If you only watch one embedded video on my site this year, make this the one.)

Anyway, if you're in Chas, FFF will be playing at the American Theater tomorrow at 8 p.m. (tickets here).

A big thankyouthankyouthankyou to @VAsmacky and @foundfootage for convincing me to go. :)


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